We love to shop and this activity could take two forms depending on the age and stage of the learner.
For younger children
1. Choose a variety of objects that you could sell. These might be things from the pantry if you are going to play shops or old toys and books. They could be wee home-made items that become another project, e.g. painted rocks, baking,
2. Price your items. Think about the numbers you will use as you will have to give change to your customers.
3. Make money for your customers. How many notes and coins will each customer need? Will you copy NZ currency or will you make your special kind of money? Is there something you could use instead of money?
4. Does your shop require a sign? Design a sign to hang over your shop.
5. Does your shop require advertising? Can you design and make a flyer that might be like those that you get in the letterbox. Have a look at some junk mail to get ides.
6. Play shops with your friends and family. Take turns at being the shop keeper and shopper.
For older children
You might extend and elaborate the above plan and provide an opportunity for younger children around you to play.
Alternatively your parents might allow you to make this more authentic.
Our city is in need of repair and this might be the opportunity to do something for others. Your 'shop' could be real and you could donate any money raised to the Earthquake Appeal.
1. Plan what you intend to sell. This might be old toys, books, sherbet, muffins, baking, the possibilities are endless.
2. Discuss your plan with an adult.
3. List what you need to make your sale items.
4. Gather items or buy ingredients and make items.
5. Make a sign advertising what you are doing and where proceeds will go.
6. Price your items, think or a price that is fair and will make giving change easy.
7. Will you need money to give change to people who buy your goods.
8. Ask an adult to go with you to sell your items. You might try the end of the drive way, the local shops or the end of the street.
After you have finished think about your shop/ stall.
Positives - What went well?
Minuses - What didn't work very well?
Solutions - How could you change these things to make it better next time?
Please email photos and we would love to include them on this blog for others to see.
Email to claire.howison@stalbans.school.nz or anna.ashby@stalbans.school.nz
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