There are many web sites that are available to practise basic addition and multiplication facts.
Times Table and Basic Facts
If you are wanting to limit screen time or would like to do this in another way you could try:
* Using time limits; choose a table and ask them randomly, how many can you successfully answer in 1 minute. Now try again and better your score.
*Get lots of dice – they are cheap at those 1,2,3$ type shops. Use them for adding, subtracting, multiplying games and place value games.
*Always play board games with two dice.
Measurement is difficult to teach at school due to the logistics of equipment and opportunity. However measurement provides excellent opportunities for home learning activities.
Before children can effectively understand and use the units of measurement, be they minutes, metres, litres, dollars or bytes they need to develop an understanding of what they represent.
Learning to tell the time effectively is tricky. These days children need to be able to use analogue and digital formats.
- Young children need to learn what time words mean. By relating time to familiar activities children came become aware of what "takes about a minute (second, hour)" means.
- As children become familiar with telling the time they need to be able to translate phrases such as "quarter of an hour" into minutes.
- Children who are very confident telling the time and with time concepts may be interested in learning more about international time differences.
- Pulling an old clock apart is an interesting activity, as is making a reliable time measurer of your own.
Distance, Capacity and Weight
Children become competent measurers of distance, capacity and weight by measuring!
- Become familiar with units of weight and distance by relating them to familiar things.
- Measure objects at home with your feet, hands, body lengths. Make a table to record your findings. Put things in order of height.
- Play on the seesaw at the park, try to make it balance etc
- Make or use a balance to compare objects weights.
- Use scales,rulers and tape measures to find out the measurements of things around your home.
- Use sites like Map My Run and Google Maps to explore larger distances.
- Bake something delicious, follow the recipe and use appropriate tools for measurement.
- Take photos and create documents on the computer. Learn about file and document sizes and how to adjust these.
- Learn about the specs of your ICT equipment at home. Find out what benefits different specs offer - what it does to price!
It is with mixed feelings you teach your children that 50 cents is 50 cents is 50 cents! Gone will be the days they feel happier with five 10cent pieces than one 50 cent coin!
Most child raising books have ideas in them about how to teach children the value of money. One of the best ways is to give them a bit and let them loose in the shops! If this doesn't appeal make a shop at home!